Friday 29 July 2016

10 Easy & Quick VEGAN recipies

#1 Banana nice cream

-Freeze ripe bananas overnight
-Thaw for a few minutes
-Blend in a high speed blender, add water to ease the process
-Use a spatula to move around the mixture to ease the process as well
-Place in a bowl and top with whatever you may desire.

Found on tumblr (could not find the source)

#2 Chippies

- Pre-heat the oven to 225 degrees Celsius
- Cut potatoes into strips like French fries
- Season to your liking
(My favorite seasoning is plain potatoes with sprinkled Himalayan salt)
- Place on a baking pan lined with parchment paper (To avoid the potatoes from sticking)
- Bake for 20 minutes and enjoy with your favorite dip.

@Healthiecook on IG

#3 Hummus sammich

-Toast bread (your preference)
-Slap on hummus
-Top with your favorite veggies and sauces.
(My favorite is brown bread with hummus, cucumber, lettuce and sriracha)

@frommybowl on IG

#4 Fried rice

- Cook plain white rice (or use leftovers)
- Defrost frozen veggies
- Cook the rice on pan with a little water (Instead of oil)
- Add soy sauce and the veggies to the rice
- Serve on a plate with a side of fresh veggies. (For extra nutrition)

#5 Ramen noodles

This is not the healthiest option but its fine once in a while, when you're too lazy too cook anything. Most ramen sold in the market is vegan, even the chicken/beef flavored ones, just make sure you check behind the package just to make sure. (Yes indomi is vegan)

-Follow the instructions on the package.

#6 Burritos

- Warm tortilla bread in the microwave
- Fill with your favorite fillings
(My favorite is guac, beans, rice, lettuce and sriracha)
- Roll and grill. (I like grilling them bc it gives it a crunchy texture)

#7 Buddha bowl

- Get a bowl and fill with
  •  Rice
  • Greens/veggies
  • Potatoes
  • Any type of topping (My favorite is hummus)
  • Any type of legumes (Lentils)

#8 Cereal

- Get a bowl and fill with
  • Your favorite cereal
  • Oat milk
  • Fruits and nuts

#9 Cheezy macaroni

-Boil macaroni
-Blend together
  • Cashews
  • garlic
  • mustard
  • soy sauce
  • nutritional yeast
  • water (enough to make the texture creamy)
- Drain the macaroni
- Mix sauce with macaroni
- Serve and enjoy

#10 tomato spaghetti

- Boil spaghetti
- in a pan cook
  • Water (enough to make the sauce "saucey")
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • tomato paste
  • Diced tomatos
  • mushrooms
- Once spaghetti is ready, drain and mix with the sauce
- Serve and enjoy.

Thank you so much for reading, hopefully you got some ideas.
Follow me on twitter for more vegan inspo, you can DM me your questions anytime.

Have a great day/evening, don't forget to spread love and positivity.