Wednesday 11 May 2016

A new start?

Hey to whoever's reading this hope you're having a great day so far.

The reason why I stopped posting was because I actually lost the motivation to. I knew I was interested in fashion and beauty but after focusing on myself and learning how to deal about the world, others and myself, I realized that there are much more things I should put my time and effort to. For a while, I was into fitness and health, trying to find new ways to be healthy, trying those fad diets but eventually giving up (by trying I mean for a day or 2, my willpower was not even existent), and I was just eating whatever I want. Around March, I heard my best friend, talk about veganism and what not, I brushed it off; I was like nah god gave us the choice to eat meat, so we can, where Bahrain gets their meat is halal and all these accusations. After doing my research for about six months I finally realized that I should stop lying to myself and make the transition, watched Gary yourofskys' speech, 101 reasons to go vegan and a bunch of youtubers. I, first off, transitioned to be pesceterian for two months, then a vegetarian for five months, and now I have been a vegan for about 2 months, and I don't ever plan on going back to eating dairy, meat nor eggs. I decided to bring this blog back to life because I want to show teenagers or any age of that matter that veganism is EASY once you have your reasons straight. In addition, I will definitely show you cruelty-free beauty options. You don't have to be a vegan to stop supporting animal testing; you just need compassion.

Thank you so many guys for putting in time to read my extremely long update and make sure to show others this blog if they're interested in living a vegan lifestyle.

Things you must watch

-Forks over knives
-Racing extinction
(You can find them all if you type them in google)

Videos on youtube:
-Gary yourofskys best speech ever:
-101 reasons to go vegan:
-Uprooting the leading causes of death:

Upcoming post: how to eat vegan in Bahrain (top 5 restaurants)