Monday 27 July 2015

Eid Al-Fitr Outfit

know, i know this post is like a week late, its just because my cousin took the pictures on her camera and they weren't  uploading, there was an error with the camera but its all good now. 
To be honest with you all, i had no idea what i was going to wear on eid the day of shopping. Funny story i got this outfit in the first store i went to and it was the only outfit i tried. 
Enough talking (or typing) lets get to the point of this post.

As you can see i wore a tight black midi dress, above that i used a blouse (yes, a blouse) and tied it in a way that made it look like a little more fancy you can say, with big black chunky heels, these are my new favorite heels i love them so much, lastly i used my mini micheal kors thats supposed to be a cross body but i took off the straps and made it into a clutch which complimeted the outfit exactly how i wanted it to be.

Thank you dolls for reading this post hope you got an idea of what my style is like, love you all xx

Thursday 9 July 2015

My vegan skincare routine

Hey guys

Today I will share with you my skincare routine that I swear by. This routine has helped start clearing my skin and made the occurrence of pimples rare, it is very minimal and all the products mentioned are cruelty free which is important to me when buying products. Lastly I like my routine to be natural and simple which you will be able to see in the products that I use.

Here is little information about my skin, I have sensitive skin, I usually breakout around my T-Zone which is my forehead down my nose and my chin, my forehead is normal its not oily nor is my chin the only place that is oily is my nose.

My skincare consists of three basic steps wash, tone and moisturize.

 1.    Wash

I use Aqua Marina from Lush as a face wash and Clarisonic Mia 2 to assure the the face wash is cleansing my face to the most of it capability. What I like about Aqua Marina is that it feels very light and gentle yet it’s very refreshing and well cleansing (plus it smells great hehe). Also I use the delicate brush on the Clarisonic because the normal one is a bit too rough for my face. I absolutely love the Clarisonic it deep cleanses I use it everyday but for some people it may be too much so i would recommended you use it twice a week if you have really sensitive skin. 

2.   Toner

I use this toner by Thayers that is rose petal witch hazel with aloe vera formula. What I love about this toner is its very gentle on sensitive skin and does a great job removing all the extra dirt/left over makeup that the face wash did not remove.
How I use: I take a cotton swab apply a generous amount and rub all over my face, wait till dry and then apply oil of your choice as a moisturizer.

3.  Moisturize

To moisturize my skin I use 2 different oils and I’ve been only using oils to moisturize for the past 6 months or so. I either use argan oil or coconut oil, the benefits of these two amazing oils are countless, ill tell you a few.

Argan Oil
1.Applying argan oil twice a day to your skin can reduce the amount of sebum on your face (the natural oil that causes acne)
3.Helps scars vanish faster

Coconut oil
1.Retains moisture content of the skin
2.Makes your skin glowy and dewy
3.Helps in making scars vanish faster

The differences I have noticed in my skin is my skin always has a natural dewy glow to it and the acne scars are slowly but surely disappearing.

Thank you for reading a I hope this helped you.xo