Friday 29 July 2016

10 Easy & Quick VEGAN recipies

#1 Banana nice cream

-Freeze ripe bananas overnight
-Thaw for a few minutes
-Blend in a high speed blender, add water to ease the process
-Use a spatula to move around the mixture to ease the process as well
-Place in a bowl and top with whatever you may desire.

Found on tumblr (could not find the source)

#2 Chippies

- Pre-heat the oven to 225 degrees Celsius
- Cut potatoes into strips like French fries
- Season to your liking
(My favorite seasoning is plain potatoes with sprinkled Himalayan salt)
- Place on a baking pan lined with parchment paper (To avoid the potatoes from sticking)
- Bake for 20 minutes and enjoy with your favorite dip.

@Healthiecook on IG

#3 Hummus sammich

-Toast bread (your preference)
-Slap on hummus
-Top with your favorite veggies and sauces.
(My favorite is brown bread with hummus, cucumber, lettuce and sriracha)

@frommybowl on IG

#4 Fried rice

- Cook plain white rice (or use leftovers)
- Defrost frozen veggies
- Cook the rice on pan with a little water (Instead of oil)
- Add soy sauce and the veggies to the rice
- Serve on a plate with a side of fresh veggies. (For extra nutrition)

#5 Ramen noodles

This is not the healthiest option but its fine once in a while, when you're too lazy too cook anything. Most ramen sold in the market is vegan, even the chicken/beef flavored ones, just make sure you check behind the package just to make sure. (Yes indomi is vegan)

-Follow the instructions on the package.

#6 Burritos

- Warm tortilla bread in the microwave
- Fill with your favorite fillings
(My favorite is guac, beans, rice, lettuce and sriracha)
- Roll and grill. (I like grilling them bc it gives it a crunchy texture)

#7 Buddha bowl

- Get a bowl and fill with
  •  Rice
  • Greens/veggies
  • Potatoes
  • Any type of topping (My favorite is hummus)
  • Any type of legumes (Lentils)

#8 Cereal

- Get a bowl and fill with
  • Your favorite cereal
  • Oat milk
  • Fruits and nuts

#9 Cheezy macaroni

-Boil macaroni
-Blend together
  • Cashews
  • garlic
  • mustard
  • soy sauce
  • nutritional yeast
  • water (enough to make the texture creamy)
- Drain the macaroni
- Mix sauce with macaroni
- Serve and enjoy

#10 tomato spaghetti

- Boil spaghetti
- in a pan cook
  • Water (enough to make the sauce "saucey")
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • tomato paste
  • Diced tomatos
  • mushrooms
- Once spaghetti is ready, drain and mix with the sauce
- Serve and enjoy.

Thank you so much for reading, hopefully you got some ideas.
Follow me on twitter for more vegan inspo, you can DM me your questions anytime.

Have a great day/evening, don't forget to spread love and positivity.

Monday 13 June 2016

Truly Organics products review

If you are keeping up with the beauty side of the online vegan community, then you probably heard about the beauty brand, Truly Organics. People have been raving about their products post after post and video after video. So I thought, why not give it a shot and try their products out myself. So I did, with Truly Organics, you get a monthly subscription and this is my opinion on their products by the second month of using them.

It came with this bag that you can use for almost anything.

The four products that I got were the Super Shampoo, Super Conditioner, Super Body Wash and Super Lotion.

#1 Super Shampoo

The shampoo first off, smells amazing makes you feel like you're in a tropical island. It is very light and it's great for everyday use (if you're a person that washes their hair every day). It gives you that clean, fresh feel without stripping all of good oils off your scalp. I would personally rate it a 9/10 because it's a great all natural shampoo, but it still doesn’t have that wow factor.

#2 Super Conditioner

The conditioner smells amazing as well, the coconut oh my. But the conditioner did not work with my hair at all. It's too light weight for my hair and the conditioner doesn't get absorbed in the hair shaft, instead I use it now as a shaving cream (hah). I feel like it would work better with people that have straight, not too thick hair. I would rate it a 5/10.

#3 Super Body Wash

The body wash is my absolute favorite product out of all of them. I use it as a face and body wash, it smells amazing may I repeat and it makes you feel so fresh and clean without making your skin feel dry, as it does not strip off all the oil. I replaced my trustworthy (ex-trustworthy) Aqua Marina face wash from Lush for this Holy Grail product. It definitely deserves a 10/10.

#4 Super Lotion

The lotion smells also amazing but the scent doesn't last for too long, only for about an hour or so. The application of it is very watery and liquidy which I don't like, but it does get absorbed into the skin really well and the moisture lasts for a while, it dries onto the body like body butter-ish kinda feel. I would rate it a 7/10 because there is room for improvement.

Lastly I would definitely recommend you to check out their products if you want all natural and cruelty free beauty products. You can choose ones to fit your preferences, their prices are really good which is always a plus.

Truly organics
Hope you all have a great day/night wherever you are and don't forget to spread good vibes.
(This is not a sponsored post)